Monday, May 30, 2011

mind f^ck

I don't quite get why I'm not more satisfied with things right now...quite frankly, this is the best stretch of work I've had, probably...ever.

Yet, I'm still not quite able to enjoy it. WTF?

In addition to the good stuff listed in the previous post, it is confirmed that I will be playing Oberon in the New Brunswick Theater Festival's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream later this summer. So, that's cool. Not exactly a role I feel I would traditionally be cast as; but I am psyched at the challenge.

I also just got cast in a SAG Indie Film, A Guy Named Rick, that is scheduled to shoot this autumn. It'll be a fun role.

This past week I've been rehearsing Small Talk, by Eric Fallen, under the direction of the great Eric Michael Gillett. This is the show we will be presenting at the Montreal Fringe Festival this June. I love the pieces I'm in, and the people involved seem great! What's more, it will be put up again in New York in the fall. So, I'll get to do it again! for the NY audience, to include

So, why aren't I more excited? Why aren't I happier?

Other than the possibility that it could be my diet (there are those theories that propose that higher fat intake make people happier... I'm still debating that one), I think it might be because I'm still struggling with "low-income syndrome." (I made that one up!)

Yes, I am working more these days; NO, I'm not making the money I feel I should. So, I'm trying to reconcile that; or, I need to trust that this is a trend and will continue to improve, ultimately getting me closer to my goals. In short, "Halladay - quit yer bitchin!"

My new pic options are on Facebook, would love to here some feedback.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Finals have been taken, grades are submitted - the end of another semester was not without its challenges: resistant actors, disinterested students, and blizzards. While it is easy to throw ones hands up in resignation and complain, I believe a good teacher will face those obstacles and aspire to o'er-leap them.

My summer seems to be shaping up quite nicely.

I will be teaching again at RSAC (Rutgers Summer Acting Conservatory)
I will be teaching Theater Appreciation at Rider for the 2nd Summer session
I have been invited to perform at Montreal's Fringe Festival (J, timing never seemed to work in our favor - much to my regret!)
There seems to be the strong possibility that I'll be performing in another Shakespeare production in the end of the Summer. addition, I have some other irons in the fire as well.

I like it! I like knowing there is work to be done.

I just took some new head-shots with the talented Siouxsie Suarez - Thank you, my dear.
I cut my hair, so look out for the new and improved me!

Pics will be out soon.

Momentum - a good thing...