I did it! My busiest and most packed semester - EVER. What a couple of months.
Lesson learned - 5 classes in a single semester is just too much to commit to.
While I feel I have made it work, this semester was not without its challenges:
"Sandy" disrupted EVERYTHING. Between the actual storm and the slow process of"finding normal," we lost about 3 entire weeks. Syllabi and expectations needed to be re-configured. All-in-all, we made it work. While I released students from a few assignments, classes were still challenging. I fear one class in particular I never really got back. It was what it was.
My biggest obstacle was how booked myself out of Acting these past months. I had few auditions and not working in my field drives me crazy. Furthermore, when I'm not doing what I've been trained to do, I feel like a bit of a fraud teaching when I'm not doing it....does that make sense?, I gotta fix that.
I'm ready to end 2012...let's get beyond this Mayan bullshit...
Where's 2013?
When I began graduate school, I was asked by several friends and colleagues, to keep them apprised of my progress/experiences there. It was suggested to me to start a BLOG. So here it is. It's been a few years since I graduated, but I continue to maintain the BLOG. Archives are available on my website, if you are interested in some history. Enjoy!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Perspective shift-
This is what I witnessed outside my window on Sunday evening as Sandy came ashore:
Outside my window, the parking lot below my apartment complex
Marin and Columbus Blvds., just before the electricity went out.
Pictures by Wesley Broulik & Mandy Haskin
Truly horrible what I witnessed. When the tide came in - it felt like what we saw in Thailand.
Water submerging thousands of cars.
A day before the storm, I decided to park my in an elevated, covered lot. Mind you, I called the JCPD to ask if I was in a flood zone (btw, Jersey City - your information service SUCKS - could find usable information online - anywhere). Anyway, whoever I spoke to at JCPD told me that my location would be safe for flooding. Good thing I ignored them. Though to be fair, nobody expected this.
Water submerging thousands of cars.
A day before the storm, I decided to park my in an elevated, covered lot. Mind you, I called the JCPD to ask if I was in a flood zone (btw, Jersey City - your information service SUCKS - could find usable information online - anywhere). Anyway, whoever I spoke to at JCPD told me that my location would be safe for flooding. Good thing I ignored them. Though to be fair, nobody expected this.
I moved my car on the basis of possible wind damage as I am parked by a large pole and a tree. Best $46 spent - ever. Again, ALL the cars below were destroyed, totaled...except mine. Not bragging, not at all - just incredibly grateful.
We had no power, nor water since yesterday I'm told.
I won't share how we dealt with toilet stuff.
I won't share how we dealt with toilet stuff.
Fortunately, my friends, Wes and Mandy kept each other company. We pooled our perishable food and cooked what we could, minimizing lost food, playing board games and using our crank-radios for information.
During day 1 after the storm, Wes and I explored the area and was just blown away by what we saw: people living on ground level or basement apts/homes - totally destroyed. Lives forever changed.
I am very, VERY lucky. Just lost some perishable food.
I'll be heading back either tomorrow or Sunday. I've gotten word that the power is back on...
it's now about the water.
it's now about the water.
Don't know when I'm going to be able to get into Manhattan as the PATH is down, indefinitely.
All my classes have been cancelled for the week. Been sending out e-mails to my students - some adjustments will be made, but we will do what we can do...hoping all my students are safe, well and warm.
I'm making the most of my time here at home. I left two days ago: I woke up to darkness and devastation and came home (to PA) taking my nephews and niece out Trick-or-Treating two nights ago reminded me how truly fortunate I am.
On that note - My brother is finding normalcy. I've been helping him move into his new apartment. He's been making a wonderful home for himself and his kids. He deserves this break and I'm happy to help him settle in.
Also helping my parents clean up after the storm has been a priority. Comparatively, West Chester was barely hit by Sandy - not to undermine those who suffered damage: some power outages, downed trees, leaves and limbs everywhere - but nothing like what I left in JC.
Anyway, it'll be nice to know my parent's home will be ready for winter.
Witnessing/surviving an event like this, shifts perspective on things....not sure what's going to happen next.
Makes you stop and think about what's really important and what one truly wants/needs out of life.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
"Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before."
-Jacob Riis
Persistence, enduring adversity, overcoming unbelievable obstacles - is what we've been dealing with; "we," being my family.
Fortunately, the baseless accusations and lies are slowly being revealed for what they are. A"normal" life is being reattained. The house of cards that is the gossip, innuendo and untruths that surrounds my family is slowly starting to fall. Moreover, we have the legal documentation to prove it.
To "the island of misfit toys" - keep coming, the truth will out.
OK! enough of that....
On another note - my busiest semester is progressing quite nicely. I have a fantastic group of students, across the board. While I'm busy as hell, I find myself genuinely looking forward to each class. There is an energy and enthusiasm that is really pretty cool.
I have to acknowledge the possibility that some of this may be because I am becoming a better teacher.
Working on some irons in fires, acting-wise too.
Will keep you posted.
...kinda pleased with myself over here.
Persistence, enduring adversity, overcoming unbelievable obstacles - is what we've been dealing with; "we," being my family.
Fortunately, the baseless accusations and lies are slowly being revealed for what they are. A"normal" life is being reattained. The house of cards that is the gossip, innuendo and untruths that surrounds my family is slowly starting to fall. Moreover, we have the legal documentation to prove it.
To "the island of misfit toys" - keep coming, the truth will out.
OK! enough of that....
On another note - my busiest semester is progressing quite nicely. I have a fantastic group of students, across the board. While I'm busy as hell, I find myself genuinely looking forward to each class. There is an energy and enthusiasm that is really pretty cool.
I have to acknowledge the possibility that some of this may be because I am becoming a better teacher.
Working on some irons in fires, acting-wise too.
Will keep you posted.
...kinda pleased with myself over here.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
“Chapter 1. He adored New York City. He idolized it all out of, make that: he - he romanticized it all out of proportion. Yes. To him, no matter what the season was, this was still a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of George Gershwin."

...I gotta get busy and LIVE here....!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.'
"As You Like I" V, 1 - Touchstone
I just completed my first week back at teaching. Fall ' 12 is my busiest semester yet. 3 Universities, 4 courses, 5 classes.
It's quite a course-load this semester, but I can't help but believe this is all good....working towards something: my ultimate goal of a life that balances my passion to act as well as teach.
The students, so far, seem great; enthusiastic and willing.
With all humility, I feel myself growing as an educator. My confidence continues to grow, my lessons become more and more elegant (I am able to make more apt points and reference things more efficiently). My greatest challenge continues to be my ability to push my students to strive to do their best, while not being too harsh. One's intent and how one comes across is a balance I am still seeking to find.
As I stated before, I want a balance between my two professions. One downside to the semester is I fear I won't be as available to work, much less audition as much as I'd like. However, my manager and agents are aware of my schedule and are open to working within those schedule restrictions, so who knows? Perhaps my trepidations are for naught...
I just completed my first week back at teaching. Fall ' 12 is my busiest semester yet. 3 Universities, 4 courses, 5 classes.
It's quite a course-load this semester, but I can't help but believe this is all good....working towards something: my ultimate goal of a life that balances my passion to act as well as teach.
The students, so far, seem great; enthusiastic and willing.
With all humility, I feel myself growing as an educator. My confidence continues to grow, my lessons become more and more elegant (I am able to make more apt points and reference things more efficiently). My greatest challenge continues to be my ability to push my students to strive to do their best, while not being too harsh. One's intent and how one comes across is a balance I am still seeking to find.
As I stated before, I want a balance between my two professions. One downside to the semester is I fear I won't be as available to work, much less audition as much as I'd like. However, my manager and agents are aware of my schedule and are open to working within those schedule restrictions, so who knows? Perhaps my trepidations are for naught...
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates
Not gonna lie - the summer's been rough; eventful and rough.
As one can quickly observe, it's been a while since my last post and a great deal has been happening, not all of it good.
The semester ended event-free. The show closed (early, as you know - unfortunate).
My father has been in and out of the hospital. He had another "episode." Twice, in fact; both in my presence. As a human being, it shakes you up to witness a loved one go blank right in front of you. Literally caught him in my arms the first time. The second, in his Dr.'s office; a more controlled environment, thank god. Good news - we finally diagnosed the problem: his blood pressure. Over-medication!!! Jesus CHRIST! All these doctors, and none of them communicate with each other. I could go on, oh...I could go on...but I won't. It's the same story we all know.
While it was horrible to witness my father go into a stroke-like state (TWICE), it was fortuitous that I was present and therefore able to relay the experience to the doctors. It turns out that his blood pressure (systolic) would drop 50 points upon the simple act of standing up! Positive side note: it is likely that the "episode" he had 2 years ago is likely to have NOT been a stroke, but this.
Life's little victories, the silver-lining, keeping the glass at half-full.
We're not out of the woods yet. He is still on the mend from his terrible accident from last March. He's so anxious to get better...he tends to disregard the not so subtle messages of what his body will permit him to do. He's a fighter that guy, love him for it.
Then there's my brother. He is unfortunately in the midst of a difficult time himself.
I must be delicate.
He is now embroiled in a nasty divorcethat has consumed our entire family.
Again, I won't go into details as there are many legal factors in flux at this time.
But I will say this, there are several words that find themselves floating around in my head these days. Words like "slander" and "transference,"one in particular that rhymes with words like blunt and confront.
I wish I could say that everyone's best interest is for the children, my beautiful nephews and niece. I wish that were true.
In addition, he is gallantly working hard to maintain his business, a luxury business at that; difficult to do in any time, let alone a recession. It is a business that relies heavily on reputation, a reputation that has been built for over 60 years. A reputation that my brother has successfully maintained and made his own for almost 10. So when that reputation finds itself being chiseled away bya gaggle of bored, despondent gossip-mongers who live vicariously through the trials of makes me very, very angry.
It angers me how little truth need be in an accusation for it to have a major impact on someone's life while at the same time having little ramification to the one who fabricated it. It angers me how people (some) would rather enjoy the drama of "their own movie" than follow through with what's right and what is in the best interest of, oh I don't know...their children?
It was a sad day helping my brother move him out of his house.I never want to see him like that again.
I have learned more about a topic that I never wished to learn about. I hope to god I never have to share this knowledge with anyone.
...and that's about all I have to say about that.
As I look back at what I just wrote, you notice I have decided to censor myself. I do not retract any of it, and have much, MUCH more to say on the matter. It fills me with much emotion and feeling of protection towards my family, but considering the sensitive time in which my brother now lives; my catharsis need not come at the expense of his future. I indulge in the therapeutic nature of writing it all out. But ultimately, this chapter is not about me.
Moving on....
It hasn't been all bad (he laughs to himself as he just read what he just wrote!)
I am preparing to embark on my busiest semester yet!
I will be teaching 5 classes at 3 universities this semester!!
2 Acting classes
Theater Appreciation
2 sections of Stage Make-up
In addition to returning to Rider and Montclair State Universities, I am proud to be returning to Rutgers as well. While it is a full load, it is a very workable schedule: 1 class per day. It's gonna be nice to not have to high-tail it out of one class in order to make it to another.
My only lament is that these next few months will limit acting opportunities. My audition schedule will unfortunately be confined a great deal. I have spoken to my agent and manager about this and all seems to be workable. Bottom line-my primary passion is acting and I strive to maintain forward, upward progress.
All said, I'm quite pleased with how it all seems to be going. YES-I want more, but it should not be at the expense of the acknowledgement of past accomplishments.
(I have to keep reminding myself of this)
In addition, I have been working hard to maintain that forward motion.
I shot some new headshots
Took an Improv class at UCB (that shit is hard)
Revamped my website - CHECK IT OUT!!!
The short film I shot in L.A. earlier this year is progressing quite nicely.
- I saw a rough-cut, and a clip of one of my special F/X moments - very cool!
- I have a good feeling about this project. Should do well in the festivals as it is a clever piece with fantastic production value.
So, that's about it.
and that is "what I did last summer."
Not gonna lie - the summer's been rough; eventful and rough.
As one can quickly observe, it's been a while since my last post and a great deal has been happening, not all of it good.
The semester ended event-free. The show closed (early, as you know - unfortunate).
My father has been in and out of the hospital. He had another "episode." Twice, in fact; both in my presence. As a human being, it shakes you up to witness a loved one go blank right in front of you. Literally caught him in my arms the first time. The second, in his Dr.'s office; a more controlled environment, thank god. Good news - we finally diagnosed the problem: his blood pressure. Over-medication!!! Jesus CHRIST! All these doctors, and none of them communicate with each other. I could go on, oh...I could go on...but I won't. It's the same story we all know.
While it was horrible to witness my father go into a stroke-like state (TWICE), it was fortuitous that I was present and therefore able to relay the experience to the doctors. It turns out that his blood pressure (systolic) would drop 50 points upon the simple act of standing up! Positive side note: it is likely that the "episode" he had 2 years ago is likely to have NOT been a stroke, but this.
Life's little victories, the silver-lining, keeping the glass at half-full.
We're not out of the woods yet. He is still on the mend from his terrible accident from last March. He's so anxious to get better...he tends to disregard the not so subtle messages of what his body will permit him to do. He's a fighter that guy, love him for it.
Then there's my brother. He is unfortunately in the midst of a difficult time himself.
I must be delicate.
He is now embroiled in a nasty divorce
I wish
In addition, he is gallantly working hard to maintain his business, a luxury business at that; difficult to do in any time, let alone a recession. It is a business that relies heavily on reputation, a reputation that has been built for over 60 years. A reputation that my brother has successfully maintained and made his own for almost 10. So when that reputation finds itself being chiseled away by
It angers me how little truth need be in an accusation for it to have a major impact on someone's life while at the same time having little ramification to the one who fabricated it. It angers me how people (some) would rather enjoy the drama of "their own movie" than follow through with what's right and what is in the best interest of, oh I don't know...their children?
It was a sad day helping my brother move him out of his house.
I have learned more about a topic that I never wished to learn about. I hope to god I never have to share this knowledge with anyone.
...and that's about all I have to say about that.
As I look back at what I just wrote, you notice I have decided to censor myself. I do not retract any of it, and have much, MUCH more to say on the matter. It fills me with much emotion and feeling of protection towards my family, but considering the sensitive time in which my brother now lives; my catharsis need not come at the expense of his future. I indulge in the therapeutic nature of writing it all out. But ultimately, this chapter is not about me.
Moving on....
It hasn't been all bad (he laughs to himself as he just read what he just wrote!)
I am preparing to embark on my busiest semester yet!
I will be teaching 5 classes at 3 universities this semester!!
2 Acting classes
Theater Appreciation
2 sections of Stage Make-up
In addition to returning to Rider and Montclair State Universities, I am proud to be returning to Rutgers as well. While it is a full load, it is a very workable schedule: 1 class per day. It's gonna be nice to not have to high-tail it out of one class in order to make it to another.
My only lament is that these next few months will limit acting opportunities. My audition schedule will unfortunately be confined a great deal. I have spoken to my agent and manager about this and all seems to be workable. Bottom line-my primary passion is acting and I strive to maintain forward, upward progress.
All said, I'm quite pleased with how it all seems to be going. YES-I want more, but it should not be at the expense of the acknowledgement of past accomplishments.
(I have to keep reminding myself of this)
In addition, I have been working hard to maintain that forward motion.
I shot some new headshots
Took an Improv class at UCB (that shit is hard)
Revamped my website - CHECK IT OUT!!!
The short film I shot in L.A. earlier this year is progressing quite nicely.
- I saw a rough-cut, and a clip of one of my special F/X moments - very cool!
- I have a good feeling about this project. Should do well in the festivals as it is a clever piece with fantastic production value.
So, that's about it.
and that is "what I did last summer."
Sunday, May 13, 2012
We opened just about a month ago, and I wish I could say things are going wonderfully.
The sad thing is, we'll be closing early - today, in fact.
In Masks Outrageous and Austere will take its final bow this afternoon.
It's a shame as we've finally found this play; receiving standing ovations from packed houses.
But it's not been easy.
No way around this one - we may not have been as prepared as we should have for our opening. Plain and simple.
Not throwing blame, but for a piece such as this (not finished, an amalgam of about 7 different manuscripts, and let's face it - during the writing of these drafts, the playwright [Mr. Tennessee Williams] was very likely under the influence of more than one substance), we needed more time to investigate and rehearse. Then again, with a play such as this - is it every ready? Perhaps it is intended to be a constant exploration?
Bear in mind, this goes beyond the usual course of discovery one experiences during the rehearsal process and therefore the run of a play. Early in the run, there were parts that remained a mystery to me, I strung together actions and objectives the best I could; but the harsh truth is I was still learning about the world I was inhabiting within the play. True, we should never stop availing ourselves to discoveries throughout the process; however, I just wish I knew more, earlier on.
This piece (actually I call it a "theatrical event") received mixed responses at best.
No need to get into all that, BUT I was fortunate to come away with some nice mentions:
As stated before, over the past couple of weeks, we found something quite special. The set and world created by David Schweizer and James Noone was downright breathtaking. The cast (for the most part) was tremendous, the crew (Scott, Chris, Patrick, Andrea, Matt, Kj and Megan) - THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!. To work with the likes of Shirley Knight and Alison Fraser has been a privilege, an education, and an honor. I feel I have acquired a 2nd MFA working with those two Madams of the stage.
It is still challenging to wrap my head around the fact that I am now a part of Tennessee Williams' anthology. It is a gift I will always cherish. Thank you for that, David.
Thank you all for the journey.
Thank you to the new friends I made at Gideon's Point.
And most of all...thank you, Mr. Williams.
The sad thing is, we'll be closing early - today, in fact.
In Masks Outrageous and Austere will take its final bow this afternoon.
It's a shame as we've finally found this play; receiving standing ovations from packed houses.
But it's not been easy.
No way around this one - we may not have been as prepared as we should have for our opening. Plain and simple.
Not throwing blame, but for a piece such as this (not finished, an amalgam of about 7 different manuscripts, and let's face it - during the writing of these drafts, the playwright [Mr. Tennessee Williams] was very likely under the influence of more than one substance), we needed more time to investigate and rehearse. Then again, with a play such as this - is it every ready? Perhaps it is intended to be a constant exploration?
Bear in mind, this goes beyond the usual course of discovery one experiences during the rehearsal process and therefore the run of a play. Early in the run, there were parts that remained a mystery to me, I strung together actions and objectives the best I could; but the harsh truth is I was still learning about the world I was inhabiting within the play. True, we should never stop availing ourselves to discoveries throughout the process; however, I just wish I knew more, earlier on.
This piece (actually I call it a "theatrical event") received mixed responses at best.
No need to get into all that, BUT I was fortunate to come away with some nice mentions:
“deliciously campy and a definite
highlight of the show”
York Times
“strapping mechanic swain”
Huffington Post
“a studly grease monkey”
“Echoes of Stanley Kowalski are conjured by Christopher
Halladay who performs Joey, a muscular, mechanic boyfriend.”
It is still challenging to wrap my head around the fact that I am now a part of Tennessee Williams' anthology. It is a gift I will always cherish. Thank you for that, David.
Thank you all for the journey.
Thank you to the new friends I made at Gideon's Point.
And most of all...thank you, Mr. Williams.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
"Why did I write? Because I found life unsatisfactory."-Tennessee Williams
Opening on Monday, April 16th!
"Tennessee Williams goes for broke in his final full-length play, exploring the surreal, the nefarious, and the erotic in ways never before attempted by the great American master. The richest woman in the world, her gay husband and his young lover are thrust into a mystery world, defined by disorientation and paranoia, where they are held captive by omnipotent corporate forces. A cast of bizarre characters enters an increasingly threatening environment, and tensions reach a fever pitch as trust among the three protagonists begins to disintegrate. This stunning production, which includes a state of the art video system, sixty LED panels, and eleven projectors, takes its characters—and its audience—to a wholly unique theatrical realm that's every bit as thrilling as it is dangerous."
Saturday, March 24, 2012
It's always something....
What a couple of weeks it's been!
Savor the serenity folks, bask in your victories, be grateful for all you have....
because you never know when you find your life blind-sided by an out of control Buick Century slamming into a telephone pole, killing your uncle and almost claiming your father.
Public Service Announcement:
Savor the serenity folks, bask in your victories, be grateful for all you have....
because you never know when you find your life blind-sided by an out of control Buick Century slamming into a telephone pole, killing your uncle and almost claiming your father.
Public Service Announcement:
The harsh truth is my uncle would very likely still be alive, nor would my father have suffered the injuries he sustained, had they both been wearing a seat-belt. Quite frankly, it was (is) a miracle he survived at all.
It was a mess: They were on a road trip they had no real reason to be on. The accident occurred in rural Virginia. So in a sense, they were stranded in a local hospital for days. My father's broken femur and hip went undiagnosed during their stay there.
blah, blah, blah....a week later and after a helluva long ambulance ride, my father is now in our local hospital, recovering after having his leg set, hip replaced (again!), and nose set (oh, yea - he pretty much broke his face, causing his nose to be displaced - so that had to be moved back-FUN!).
After two weeks! My father is finally on the path to recovery.
I am tremendously grateful...
I am tremendously grateful...
Kinda puts things in perspective..., what's really important, you know?, what's really important, you know?
Saturday, March 10, 2012
A bit of Theater History
As it turns out, I am now a part of Theater History.
The show I am now rehearsing with The Culture Project's, "In Masks Outrageous and Austere" is the World Premiere production of Tennessee Williams' last full-length play, directed by David Schweizer.
I am so excited to be a part of this!
Moreover, I'll be sharing the stage with Tony-award winning actress, Ms. Shirley Knight.
Checkout the PR:
As it turns out, I am now a part of Theater History.
The show I am now rehearsing with The Culture Project's, "In Masks Outrageous and Austere" is the World Premiere production of Tennessee Williams' last full-length play, directed by David Schweizer.
I am so excited to be a part of this!
Moreover, I'll be sharing the stage with Tony-award winning actress, Ms. Shirley Knight.
Checkout the PR:
It's gonna be interesting...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Nice work, if you can get it....and you can get it...if you try.
Well, this is something new - I've been booking!!
In the past two weeks:
I booked (and have since, shot) a pilot.
And I have just been offered roles in two Off-B'way plays.
Holy Sh!t!
Right now, we're trying to see if I'll be able to do both shows. The schedules are a little staggered, so it's possible.
I do hope so.
More to come.....will post deets as I get them.
I like this feeling!
In the past two weeks:
I booked (and have since, shot) a pilot.
And I have just been offered roles in two Off-B'way plays.
Holy Sh!t!
Right now, we're trying to see if I'll be able to do both shows. The schedules are a little staggered, so it's possible.
I do hope so.
More to come.....will post deets as I get them.
I like this feeling!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Whoever said Acting was easy.....
is very wrong!
Movie Night is wrapped!
Now, it's all about the post and editing.
I wish I could say I enjoyed my stay in LA...but I was too damn busy to...
Mostly 15 hour + shoot days, had to extend my trip...hardly had time to see my close friends.
To those of you I didn't see: please accept my humblest apologies. I wanted to see everyone, but just couldn't.
On another note - we did have fun working - especially since we DID get it all shot.
Plus, I had a hand in the make-up (special F/X and what-not) - we had much success with the special-effects, I believe. Can't wait to see it all!
We also had particular fun shooting our exteriors "guerilla-style."
But we got it all!!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
...and we're rolling....
While filming is going great, we've fallen a bit behind. Not surprising considering the intricacies of this project: tracking camera effects, special F/X make-up, complete coverage, etc. So, I've had to extend my stay here in LA for a few more days.
No worries - it's all gonna look great. And it gave me another day to visit old friends, which was lovely.
Had a nice hike to Bronson Canyon, saw the "Batcave" from the 60's TV series - pretty cool!
I was feeling bad as this was more of a work trip, not leaving much opportunity to socialize.
This short will be a great showcase for all involved.
We're getting it done.
Oh, and it's 70˚ here, by the way; I hear it's about 10˚ back East....not rubbing it in....just sayin'
No worries - it's all gonna look great. And it gave me another day to visit old friends, which was lovely.
Had a nice hike to Bronson Canyon, saw the "Batcave" from the 60's TV series - pretty cool!
I was feeling bad as this was more of a work trip, not leaving much opportunity to socialize.
This short will be a great showcase for all involved.
We're getting it done.
Oh, and it's 70˚ here, by the way; I hear it's about 10˚ back East....not rubbing it in....just sayin'
Monday, January 2, 2012
Auld Lang Syne!
Another year.
While 2011 was not without its challenges, I can't complain. Truly, I cannot complain. The year began with my literally being snowed in, in New Jersey, and it ends with my basking in the sun in Los Angeles. I'm here shooting a short film. It is between 70˚-80˚ here.
As I write this, I am downing a nice coffee in my favorite coffee bar, the Bourgeois Pig, and wondering why the overly-tanned guy across the way from me feels it's OK to take his shoes off and sit on the sofa, barefoot.
LA, baby!
Anyway...It may be cliché, but it is hard to not get reflective around this time of year.
So, to keep up with a new tradition - A wise friend of mine suggested that instead of making a list of New Year’s resolutions (that are likely to be broken), it is better to list your accomplishments from the past year.
So, here goes (chronologically as best I can):
* Taught 3 courses (both SPRING and FALL Semesters) at 2 Universities
* Co-produced and acted in Us vs. Them, an Off-Off Broadway production
* Started Volunteering at NY Cares
* Performed in a show at the Montréal Fringe Festival
* Got new headshots
* Taught a class during the summer session at Rider University.
* Performed the role of Oberon and Theseus in A Midsummer Night's Dream
* Booked a Co-star on Law & Order: SVU
* Performed in another production of Small Talk in NY (this show crossed an international border, I have no problem listing it twice!)
* Shot a feature film
* Shooting a short film in Los Angeles
* Designed Make-up for 3 plays and 1 short film
* asked to return to teach at both universities, for the SPRING '12 semester
* My family remained healthy (not an accomplishment, per se - but I'm grateful as hell for it!)
I made some new friends, lost some old ones.
Endured loss, and overcame setbacks.
I have been very fortunate and am grateful for every opportunity that has come my way - despite the obstacles that '11 brought with it.
While I feel good about the past year's accomplishments, I cannot use the word, "satisfied." There is still a sense of unrealized potential, or success that I cannot help shake. Maybe that feeling is what some call "drive" or "persistence."
I don't know.
Maybe the coming year will bring some greater sense of ease...?
May the best of 2011 be the worst of 2012!
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