Thursday, November 14, 2013

All good things must come to an end...

Well, I can't believe that my time here at Palm Beach Dramaworks is almost done.
We are in our final week of Of Mice and Men. We extended due to how well this show was received. I am proud to have been a part of it, proud to have been invited to work here.
This particular company has been working hard to grow into something quite special. After a significant renovation, the facilities are beautiful (a converted movie house that once housed Burt Reynold's theater a while back).
I feel like my work has been well-received here. I'd like to think they'd ask me back if there was a role appropriate for me. This is a great place to work and I would not hesitate to work with them again.

That said, this was a tougher project than I anticipated:
Curley is very unlikable. I don't like to say that about any character I play as I feel it is very important for an actor to empathize and identify with the character in which he is to portray. However, facts are facts and Steinbeck doesn't give a great deal of opportunity for anyone playing this part to expand on what is written. In other words, he comes in and out in a flash, instigates and incites altercations, and then darts back out.
Whenever I work on a role, yes - I have to acknowledge the characters role in the play (how does my character fit in this world? what purpose does my character serve in the story? etc.), but I never judge him. I always work to pin the lens of perspective to justify my character's actions (which are tied to his wants and needs). While I know I did that with Curley, I must acknowledge that it was/is a near impossible get to receive much empathy from audiences for reasons I just explained.
Bottom line - it wears on a person (it wears on me) to play such a damaged character and receive very little back. There's no real pay-off with him. He just is...
He is amongst the saddest of characters in this play, I believe.

Anyway...Florida...hmm...a mixed bag.
To be blunt - it's weird down here.

Stand your ground laws
People high on bath-salts eating each other's faces off
Bullying in the NFL (what?? really???)

Enough of that - high notes?

MoonFest - a fun outdoor Halloween party up and down Clematis Street
(lots of scantily clad hotties walking around - never a complaint from me on that one)

The weather is ridiculously beautiful, constantly.

I met and worked with some wonderfully talented people.

I couldn't not go to the Florida Keys while here...and I have to admit...I get it.
I get why people go and don't come back.

Sunset at the Sunset Pier
(you bet your ass there was a cocktail in my hand!)
Hell yea!

But fortunately there is enough around the tourist stuff that still makes it all wonderful.
FUN FACT - The Keys are, in fact, a network of fossilized coral reefs; about 800-1700 separate islands (the higher number includes those islands that are only a network of salt-water dwelling trees), no dirt on any of them.
In addition, some of the tourist-y stuff is actually interesting:
                           Ernest Hemingway's Studio

The Hemingway House was pretty cool; cats all over (Around 45 in total, all polydactyl cats [6-7 paws] - all descendants of "Snowball," one of his son's pets).
Beautiful house, utopian property; easy to see how one could do such work in such a setting.
What a character he was. I will read more of his stuff immediately. 
1st on my list,  To Have and Have Not (directly inspired from his time in the Keys).

The whole place reminding me of a mix between Venice, CA and New Hope, PA
Easy Living.

The drive to and from was an experience in it of itself.
The oft single-lane route 1 was awesome: windows and sun roof open, blaring tropical music...magical.

The water is a crystalline blue (sometimes aqua) that I had never seen...sometimes lapping right up to Route 1, bridges allowing one to hop from key to key, ending in Key West.

I didn't spend enough time there. 
I will come back to snorkel and enjoy the waters.

Till then...back to life, back to reality...

 What's next?

Spring semester: 2-3 courses
More acting?  Yes, please!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward. -Victor Kiam

I've been here in West Palm Beach for two weeks now, we've been "on our feet" with the show for 7 days and we just did a run-through.
Pretty impressive...what's went fairly ok.
A few hiccups here and there, we got through it.
We open in 2 weeks and to have a run-though under our belt already is quite an achievement; this all feels attainable; thank you to our director, J. Barry Lewis.
The set is almost done...can't wait to get on it.

It's going to be a successful production, I believe.
A solid cast, with the likes of Frank Converse, Dennis Creaghan, and John Leonard Thompson.

The area is interesting, West Palm Beach, Fl.
While I've lived near the ocean for quite a while in LA, Florida is very different (duh). Atlantic Ocean has a different vibe than does the Pacific. Maybe it's feels different.
I see geckos running around all over the place (scurrying like cockroaches but not nearly as offensive), exotic birds that look like something out of the opening credits from Miami Vice just outside my window, humid as hell, yet the heat somehow isn't as oppressive as it can get in NY.

It rains different here, too. Very spotty; a torrential downpour in an instant while 20 yards away it's dry as a bone. Thick rain.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. - Mark Twain

I feel so lucky to have been invited to work on an interesting project in Brooklyn this weekend.
It's a couple of audio plays that is to accompany a pop-up art installation near the Brooklyn Bridge.

It goes up next month.
We rehearsed today, record tomorrow.

The producers are:

I do wish I could be around to see/experience it.

It's been nice to have a creative outlet to distract me from my move (almost done!).
When we finished rehearsal, I decided to walk back (yes, from Brooklyn!) was such a beautiful day!
How could you blame me?

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I do love it here!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

“Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I am almost out of my apartment.
Everything I own has either been given away, thrown out, or in storage.

Despite the ever-present fear of uncertainty, this feels like the right thing to do.
A cleansing.

I do encounter small bouts of panic from time to time, then it passes.
Sometimes I feel I'm too old to do something like this...that's another reason why it feels good.
Risk big, win big...right?

And hey! I am heading out of town to work after all! Let's not forget that!

On another note - I went to a reunion last week.

Before I left for Los Angeles, I lived and worked in Washington, DC. While there, I worked at a restaurant/bar called, Clyde's.

I was hired there as a busboy while I was still an undergrad at GWU. When I left, I was running the bar. Needless to say, some of my best times were there. Great friends were there, amazing memories.
A lifetime ago. How much has happened since then...

Last monday was their 50 year anniversary.
I was asked back to guest-bartend; I gladly accepted.
Was fun to be back...kinda like I never left.

Reunions bring reflection; for me, at least. 
Puts much into perspective. 
Provides a forced, honest look at my time since then. I acknowledge that I am hard on myself; I never am fully satisfied with where I am. Always wanting more. Comparing my progress to others' (for better or worse).

Is that a good thing?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Free Fall...

After much internal debate, I'm doing something drastic (for me).

I gave up my apartment.
Removing the net.
No harness.
Free fall.

I strongly considered subletting my place however, I would have taken a substantial financial loss, while working in Florida. I couldn't justify it.

The apartment had a great number of conveniences, it was set up well.
It was easy for me to "just hang out at home," to settle.
However, I fear it all was causing me to become complacent.

Time to move on...

What next?
Who knows.

I am currently moving my stuff into storage and will figure something out upon my return from Florida.
When I it New Jersey? New York?
If so, Manhattan? Brooklyn?

We'll see....

Friday, July 5, 2013

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.” -Walt Whitman

For a summer season, I've been quite busy with several smaller projects.
"Big things have small beginnings."

Two staged readings, a couple of rounds with AMIOS, classes and auditions.
I have a short film to shoot on monday on Long Island (thank you, Johnnie!), and then it's just Improv.
I'm currently in Level 2 (201) and am sorry to say I had to miss the last class due to a family emergency.
We are entering a new normal with regards to my father; he fell off his treadmill the other night (midnight to be exact) and he dislocated his left shoulder.

For 84 (in September), he's a tough one, that's for sure.

I have Jury Duty on the 18th. 
I wanna visit LA before I head to Florida.
I'm not sure what I'm doing after the play down there...stay in the NY area?
Am I better suited out there?
What about my responsibilities here?
Am I not being patient about NY?
Am I doing better than I think I am?

Some clarity would be nice.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Heading to Palm Beach!

I will be playing the role of Curley this fall in Palm Beach Dramaworks' production of, "Of Mice and Men."
This is a play that is "on my list." 
I am tremendously excited and looking forward to a working vacation out of the New York area.
My classes for the fall are covered; I've done all I can to secure my place at each it's win-win!

So excited to live in this world!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. -Buddha

I just wrapped up another successful semester of teaching. Ironically, my last semester at Montclair State was my best. I had challenges during my time there, but all in all, it was a positive experience. I feel I gained the respect of my students , I can only hope that they got something out of the class in return. Part of me will miss it there, but alas, tis time to move on.

My Theater Appreciation class is seeming to get more and more streamlined; covering most of the same material in a more engaging way. Students are more and more enthused. I received many compliments from students; feels good.

I will be teaching Acting at both Rider and Rutgers Universities in the fall. Nice to know that so many schools are eager to keep me around. Again, Montclair would've kept me if I chose to stay...good to move on on my own terms.

A few weeks ago I completed Improv 101 at Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB). What an exciting, terrifying experience. I am not good at improv, but acknowledge it is a skill I need to develop. The class was hard; I struggled. I feel I did better than I think I did. I start 201 at the end of the month.
I practically shit my pants every time I go up but, if you're not growing and learning - you're dying.
This is good for me.

I also recently joined the wonderful theatrical group, AMIOS (Art and Music in our Souls). This is a pretty great collective of artists; I am flattered to be a part of it. Among other things, they host an evening of theater every month called, Shotz. Every month, playwrights have two weeks to write a short play (based on a pre-determined theme), then the actors and directors have two weeks to rehearse and stage their assigned play. It's fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants theater but, fully produced. It's not half-assed; the work is quality stuff and I've been asked to return to participate in this month's Shotz, my 2nd; a true compliment.

I have several readings coming up:
One produced by Fundamental Theatre Project, directed by Shirley Knight
Perfect Weather by Eric Fallen
The Medicine Show by David Dannenfelser

Lotsa irons in fires.
Keeping busy as best I can, moving forward.

...till next time.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Two roads diverged...

I'm at an impasse, I feel.

The acting front has been slow...too slow!
I know its been slow for many however, it still drives me nuts.

On the other hand, my spring semester is underway and things are going well.
My Theater Appreciation class seems to be getting better and better; I'm constantly tweaking, making my lectures more efficient and concise, utilizing new and different media to make it more engaging. It's good, I think I'm succeeding on that front.

Stage Make-Up (both sections) are comprised of a solid group of students; participatory and engaged.
It's nice.
I'd like to think part of this is that my style of teaching is continuing to grow. Again, I say "part."

I'm prepping for the Annual auditions in Philly (I'd love to act in/near my hometown) next month.
...something to do.

Speaking at a symposium at Rider next week on "Acting in Comedy," so that'll be fun in addition to beefing up the CV.
I'm also fight choreographer and make-up designer for a small production in the city next month. The Choking Game written by Kaitlin Colombo, co-produced by my friend, Eric Michael Gillett
Again - fun.

I can't help but consider what the end-game is here...what am I doing?...really? I want to be further along. I used to think that the previous statement pertained to my "career;" now, I wonder if it is more about my life in general...finding happiness. Yes, I'm happiest when I'm working.
But, what is that about?
-some validation thing?
-true joy from doing what you love/meant to do?

What do I do when I'm not working? That is the big question.
Is there something else that can provide me as much joy when I do it?
How do I find/substitute that joy?
Is all this worth it?

No real answers; though I am working to find some....SOME.
It's not all about answers.
I know part of this struggle is that I started this pursuit later in life. I may have mentioned before; I am on two time-lines:
1) my life time line-I feel I should be further along at my age (I KNOW, I gotta get over it...I'm trying!)
2) my career line-starting when I did, being where I'm at after just over 10 years (I'm not counting my time in school at The Academy and Mason Gross), I'm doing VERY well.
It's challenging coalescing the two.

Hosting a bit of an Oscar party tonight, a small one. Should be fun; an evening with good food and good friends.
We'll see how the awards pan out. I certainly have my opinions...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Age..

Looks like we made it!
The world did not end.
What will we do within the dawn of this new age? Whether you believed the Mayan "prophecy" or not - I do believe the one truth the calendar conveys is that we have entered a new age/epoch/era...
or whatever....

Will anything change?
Will this change occur on its own? or via our own doing (or undoing)?

I may have stated before, this past year brought with it some tremendous opportunities, as well as some harsh life events:

*I shot and co-produced a SAG Short film in LA
(I must say, while I'm proud of the work, I'm also pleased of the make-up effects I pulled off. Thanks Scott Ramp!!)
*I shot a pilot with Michael McGlone
*I performed in an Off-B'way production of Tennessee Williams' last full-length play with the incomparable Shirley Knight and the magical Alison Fraser
*I actually booked another play but couldn't do it because it was in conflict with the above!
*I taught more courses this year than ever
*I was invited back to teach at Rutgers University (that's now 3 schools where I currently teach)
*I will be teaching a new course for the winter session at Rider U., "Great Performances in Film."
among other things...

But there were also some adversity that my family faced:
* My father struggled with his blood pressure that caused much instability; i.e. stroke-like events (one occurred right in front of me - literally caught him in my arms as he was collapsing)
* My father was in a terrible car crash that claimed my uncle (his brother). He is on the mend, I'm thankful to say, but it was rough going there for a while; what can I say? the guy's a fighter!
* My brother is still in the midst of a nasty divorce. It is taking its toll on him, our family, as well as his kids...obviously. Sad.

Anyway - blah, blah, blah....this too shall pass.
While 2012 was not all bad, far from it in fact, I'm fine with its passing.

I'm hopeful for 2013.

Happy New Year everyone!