Monday, February 28, 2011


I think I may have had a breakthrough with some of my students in my Acting class last week. While the specific student may be the last one to acknowledge the breakthrough,  it seemed evident that the rest of the class observed something new and remarkable. Acting truthfully, NOT performing.

That has been my challenge this semester in my Advanced Acting class. In addition, I have found that, when entering a new program and one is teaching an "advanced" acting class - one can be met  with a bit of resistance. Now, I admit, I am probably just as responsible for that - and a better teacher might be more skilled at side-stepping such behavior. Let's just say, I'm learning, and working on it...ALLRIGHT!...jeez, enough already!

I hope this forward motion for us continues for the rest of the semester...I hope I'm right in sensing a shift among them.

Us vs. Them is entering TECH. We open this Friday - shit! There is a fantastic show in there - it's all about retaining the work accomplished in rehearsal. Some of us seem to be challenged by sustaining the growth. I think this might be a negative factor of an amended rehearsal process. We could really use one more week. We also seem to be dealing with some resistance as well, different people have different processes...but I believe there comes a point where an actor has to put aside their own issues and have a greater grasp on the work as a's not just about them.

Again, there is a great show here and I believe we can get it....we're so close.
The beginning of a long week.....

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