Regardless, I'm bringing beer.
Eric, the playwright, seems very pleased as the show's reception has been pretty positive.
The other day, I took the initiative to make postcards, so all involved have something to hand to people as we promote the show. I totally understand that producing something like this, on a tight budget, there are things that fall to the wayside; but I just can't walk around with nothing to hand to people. So, I made them myself, and shared them with the cast, and Eric. We burned through those and he asked me to print up another batch - these will include quotes from all our press.'s something to do. Give me a task, and I'm happy.
I've been fortunate to take advantage of some promotional deal at the local Y, so I've been able to workout all week for free. BONUS! In addition, as I mentioned before, I've been hiking all over the place. I must have walked at least 10 miles yesterday, including an intense hike up Mont-Royal that would've made Pat Tillman break a sweat. I found this one section of trail that was a pretty steep vertical rock climb (not quite the caliber of Cruise in MI:2, nor Sly in "Cliffhanger" but a worthy novice effort), the view at its top was pretty rewarding (take that, A!). I sat on this heath for a bit, to rest and took in the view.
Apparently, the city of Montreal was built around this mountain, from the campus of McGill University, outward. Interesting.
In the home stretch of this adventure. Show tonight, then Friday, and the last show on Saturday. Drive back on Sunday.
Sounding like you've adapted to Montreal well. Can't wait for you to get back and get a blow-by-blow of the whole experience. Call when you get home!